Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Life Is An Adventure

There are days when all goes according to plan and we work through the events of the day and keep moving forward. Then there are days like yesterday.
It's like when I was in the Charlotte, NC, area, several years ago. I lived in the country south of the city, and drove into the city with reluctance only when I had to. This day, I was visiting at one of the hospitals. Made it in with no problem. Had a good visit. Then I started for home. As I was nearing my turn onto the road that would be my pathway to the beautiful countryside I was suddenly met with road construction and a detour. Now, remember, I am an occasional visitor to town and only know the roads I needed to use. Now I was needed to use roads that were totally unfamiliar and the roads turned in directions that left me not sure if I was going East or South. Eventually, I made it home, but not before discovering parts of the city I had not seen before. Awe, the adventures of life.

Well, yesterday I submitted to a hearth cath after getting an irregular reading from a stress test. With my particular history, the doctor assured me that it was probably nothing, and if they found something they would most likely be able to insert a stint and send me on my way. So, when I woke up in recovery and got my head somewhat clear, the doctor explained that what they found was more serious than expected, and would not be appropriate for a stint. Which means that Monday I will be going in for a triple CABG ("cabbage"), Coronary Artery By-pass Graft. Talk about a detour! Today I made plans to be away from work for several weeks. My wife is making arrangements for the house and family. I cannot say that I am looking forward to the experience, but I am confident that it will go well. In the end it will have been an adventure. Already I have experienced the love and concern of folks with whom I work and live.

Life is an adventure. Sometimes it is unexpected. Sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes it is a bit scary. But it IS an adventure. When we are open to learning and growing through whatever detours come our way, we will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. CABG was just on my last medical terminology test and I remembered it by thinking cabbage too! Although the word doesnt sound all that scary the procedure sure does. But now that I am pretty much a medical professional I have learned that they are pretty common and that everything will be just fine:) Ill see you Tuesday! Please dont ever forget how much I love you. Even though I am not always the best at showing it. You mean more to me than I think youll ever know.

    With my best wished and love,
    Jessica Lynn Mccrosky
