Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Five: Family Trees

From RevGalBlogPals: The most recent weekly Friday Five is about Family Trees. My answers follow the posted questions. 

1. Do you have any interest in genealogy?

Some interest. My dad has done a good bit of work in this area, on which I have piggy backed.

2. Which countries did your ancestors come from?

Mostly England, although I claim Scotts-Irish roots, being the good Presbyterian that I am.

3. Who is the farthest back ancestor whose name you know?
My dad located ancestors who fought in the American Revolution. There was at least one on each side.

4. Any favorite saints or sinners in the group?
Just a bunch of characters.

5. What would you want your descendants to remember about you?
They will probably remember that I ministered to people who were dying (hospice chaplain); I wonder if anyone will remember how I would make people groan with a single pun?

Bonus: a song, prayer, or poem that speaks of family--blood or chosen--to you.

I rather like "Secret O' Life," by James Taylor


  1. Hi JFrog. I blog at Frog Blog.
    Great play tonight. Love James Taylor and i greatly appreciate hospice chaplins who have been there with church members in their final hours.

  2. 1-4 Grace. Thanks for your comment. I found RevGalBlogPals and wanted to participate, so I created this blog, but never did any blogging and only participated a few times. I am getting back into a part-time pastoral role and returned to RevGalBlogPals, only this time, I am exploring how this blog thing might work. I look forward to discovering a new community. Peace.
