There was a recent story about social networking. Ok, there have been many stories recently, about social networking. In one, particular story there was a comment about the number of people who are checking Facebook updates on their smartphones before they get out of bed, or perhaps they get onto Facebook on their computer (poor saps, with such obsolete equipment) while getting their first cup of coffee. A minister on staff of a rather large church that will use time in the morning with facebook, email, and other social networking as her time for personal meditation. This is a younger person who
Life is an adventure. Living is a journey. Story is our gateway to exploration. Stories include remembrances of the past and how they have shaped us. Stories also include imagining our future and writing the story as it unfolds. Telling our stories we discover new insights and meaning. I look forward to sharing stories about life, about faith, about ministry and about how technology can be used to enhance the power of story. I invite you to share your stories that we might journey together.